Enterprise Coworking Community Spotlight: Lisa Stanley with Dorsey Pictures


This month Amy sat down with Lisa Stanley, Executive in Charge of Production of Dorsey Television


Dorsey Pictures is a full-service television production and marketing solutions company specializing in television programming suitable for cable, broadcast, broadband, and video. Dorsey Pictures is the largest independent producer of the highest rated proprietary shows and retains that leadership position through an industry best business model that combines a unique combination of best-in-class creative and production services.


Recently they have received an Emmy nomination in the Outstanding Emerging Media Program category for their project Red Rocks Live in VR. Check out Alesso: Red Rocks Live in VR here!




AMY: [00:00:02] All right. Hi, and welcome back to our Community Spotlight. I'm Amy, and I am the community manager here at our Greenwood Village Enterprise office. And I have the pleasure to introduce you to Lisa Stanley, who works with Dorsey Television. Lisa, thank you so much for sitting down with us today. Really appreciate it.


LISA: [00:00:29] Thank you for having me.


AMY: [00:00:30] So I want to get to know you a little bit, so let's start. Tell me where you're from and how long have you been in Colorado?


LISA: [00:00:41] Yeah. So I'm originally from the San Francisco Bay Area in California. I grew up there, went to college there. I traveled a little bit outside of California. Lived in a few different places working in reality television. And just trying to do a lot in the TV video side of things. But in 2013, I moved to Denver to work on a weight loss television show that was on ABC, and we primarily filmed at the Anschutz Health and Wellness Center in Aurora. And that went on for a couple of years. And I once the show got canceled, I had the opportunity to move on and go elsewhere, but I ended up staying in Colorado.


AMY: [00:01:21] Cool. What was the show?


LISA: [00:01:26] It was ABC's Extreme Weight Loss.


AMY: [00:01:28] Oh, wow.


LISA: [00:01:29] Yeah. Yeah. So we had about 20 participants that we would follow on a year long journey. And the Anschutz Health and Wellness Center was like the top medical facility in the United States to help people lose weight. And so they would lose, you know, like, over £100 in 90 days, and then. Wow. They had all these other goals and stuff like that. And at the end of it, they would end up getting skin surgery, you know, as their like final reward. So. Wow. It was a long process, but it was fun.


AMY: [00:01:57] Yeah, that sounds pretty cool. So tell me a little bit about Dorsey, and what what your role is with the company and what you guys have going on.


LISA: [00:02:12] Yeah. So Dorsey television has been around for, I think, like two decades now at this point. And primarily for the reality TV side of things. We're really good at off the grid type shows, remote shows. Anything that's really, like, character driven or anything that's really challenging. We do a lot of a lot of our clients have been like HGTV, Discovery, Magnolia, DIY. We've also done some work with like TV1, The Weather Channel. So we've done a lot. And right now for our reality TV division I manage everything on the production side. So my official title is executive in charge of production, so I kind of take things from when it gets greenlit in development, and I take it all the way through getting production started through production and then through post and delivery, which translates into what people see on TV.


AMY: [00:03:10] That's a lot. You do a lot.


LISA: [00:03:12] It's a lot. It's a lot. But it's fun.


AMY: [00:03:16] Yeah, you get to do a lot of different things in a job like that.


LISA: [00:03:20] Yes, yes, yes.


AMY: [00:03:22] So that leads me into the reason why I wanted to interview you. You guys got nominated for an Emmy Award. So congratulations.


LISA: [00:03:35] Thank you.


AMY: [00:03:37] Really, really, really exciting. And I would love I really wanted the chance to talk to you and have you share with our members the project that was that received the nomination. And you know, just talk a little bit more about that because it's it's it's incredible. That's that's so amazing. So congrats.


LISA: [00:04:00] It's a huge accomplishment, especially for people in our industry. I think an Emmy is something that everybody wants to get nominated for or even win at some point in their career, especially in television. And so the series that got nominated and we got nominated in the Outstanding Emerging Media Program is Red Rocks Live in VR. So it's kind of exactly how it sounds, right? We film concerts at Red Rocks Amphitheatre in Morrison, Colorado. And we film it in VR. So that can be translated to like 3D type thing. We have these really cool cameras that basically have two lenses. So instead of one like this, which would be 2D, we have two lenses on a camera. So it's basically like if you have a headset through meta, which is who were partnered with. They have these meta quest headsets or Oculus, as you would call them. But basically you put it on and it's like you're there no matter what you're doing. They have tons of different things. But specifically for this you can be at a Red rocks concert without having to be at a Red rocks concert.


AMY: [00:05:12] I you showed me this. You know, months ago. And you were really excited about it. And I was like, I'm an avid concert goer. I've lived in Colorado my whole life. Red rocks is, you know, I mean, we joke. You could watch paint dry at Red Rocks, and it would be amazing.


LISA: [00:05:33] So pretty. Yeah.


AMY: [00:05:34] But the fact that you put on this VR and you watch, it's so, so cool. Yeah.


LISA: [00:05:46] Here it is. Yeah. I mean, the two things.


AMY: [00:05:50] Honestly Feel like you're like you're there, ending the show. It's so, so great. I mean, and then I just think about people that might not have the accessibility, you know, to go to a concert or, you know, they're they might live really far away. They they're not going to get that opportunity. So what a really cool application. Combined with the concert and the virtual reality to like, put you there is just awesome. And what better place to do this than at Red Rocks?


LISA: [00:06:29] Right, exactly. And it's cool because when you go into so the platform that it's in, it's called horizons Worlds and you go into Music Valley and they have concerts playing. And it's not just concerts at Red Rocks. They also have, you know, iHeart music or iHeart radio or whatever it's called, also has other concerts with like, really great artists. So you can actually go in there and you can invite your friends who have access to the same platform, and you can watch a concert with your friends, and you don't have to physically be there with your friends in person. Like, I've been able to see people that I work with checking out the concert. You know, you can see their avatar and stuff like that. So it's pretty cool. And you can talk to them too and interact with them, and you can dance and have fun. So it's just a whole different interactive platform that's different than reality TV. But, you know, it's still kind of is it's in television, you know, so it's pretty close. But it's definitely the way of the future, I think.


AMY: [00:07:29] Yeah. I mean, it is like so futuristic, but the fact I didn't realize that you can interact with, you know, other people like, that's so awesome and incredible and cool. It's just such a neat application. And I think the nomination is, well, well deserved for what you guys are doing. And that's just really exciting. What are you and you guys are going into another round of filming for this, right?


LISA: [00:08:06] Yeah, technically their seasons. So season one was during the Red Rocks 2023. Okay. Concert calendar. And so we are filming currently season two in 2024. The nomination was for season one, so hopefully we'll get another one in season two. But so far we filmed with some really great artists. This year we filmed with Alesso. We filmed with the Girl in Red. We just filmed with 30 Seconds to Mars, which was amazing. And we have a few coming up in September, October and November.


AMY: [00:08:39] So, I mean, really big names, big concerts. Yeah, that's really exciting. What is it like? What does a day of filming look like for you guys? And because you go on site and kind of facilitate everything, right, and coordinate everything.


LISA: [00:08:56] Yeah, yeah. Me and another person that works on the project, Benji, we are usually the people on site and representing Dorsey, and we do have other partners in the project. Lightsail VR does the 3D VR version of it, so they have their own crew. And then we also work with seven cinematics, which is really their really great partner who has worked with Red rocks, and they filmed tons of concerts and worked with tons of artists all over the world. Really. And so we kind of all come together. They have to load in gear and stuff, like really early sometimes like 9 a.m.. Get everything set up. They have to work with the artists and the venue to make sure everything is good by sound check. We kind of do, like, run through and stuff, then and then the concerts usually start at like 6 or 7, and the main headliner goes on a few hours after that. So it's really long days. Curfew at the venue can be 1130 1145 so sometimes artists, you know, don't finish until then. And then they have to load out and stuff like that. So, you know, they're working 16 hour days. They're working really, really long days.


AMY: [00:10:12] Yeah. I mean, that just the amount of coordinating everybody that's involved that's such an accomplishment and so cool. And I'm, you know, really encourage people to you know, if they have the VR technology to go check this out because it really is awesome. And if it's something that people are, like on the fence about, oh, should I buy this or not? I mean, this is such a fun thing to get to experience. I definitely recommend people kind of get more into it. I think it's only going to get bigger, right?


LISA: [00:10:53] I agree. Yeah. I think there's a lot of things happening within the headset. It's not just music and it's not just games. It's, you know, it's kind of everything. And every day there's something new that comes out or is launched. And so it's cool to see what other people are interested in, because if you have something you're interested in, you can go into the headset, search for it, and I guarantee you you'll find something.


AMY: [00:11:17] Yeah, yeah. It's so cool. And good for you guys as a company to be, like, on this cutting edge technology. So I'm just really excited for you. I think it's such a cool thing. when do you guys find out if you. You know what the results are for the Emmys coming up?


LISA: [00:11:37] So. Yeah. Yeah. So myself and Chris and Amy Dorsey, who are the owners of Dorsey Television, We're actually going to the Emmys award ceremony. It's on. It's in like September, so it's in a weekend in September. So we'll find out how that goes. We'll see.


AMY: [00:11:55] That is so exciting. Congrats again. Yeah. I wanted you guys are have been now at Enterprise almost a year.


LISA: [00:12:07] I think a year, yeah. Yeah.


AMY: [00:12:10] I just wanted to ask what you think is the best part about working out of Enterprise Coworking and how that's looking for your company. And what made you guys come, you know, change up your office over to a coworking space?


LISA: [00:12:27] Yeah. So the good thing about this specific location in Greenwood Village is that it's pretty much central to a lot of people in the Denver metro area, like, we have some people who live in Arvada, we have some people who live, you know, like closer to the mountains. We have some people who live south of here, so it's a good central area. And there's a lot of great things happening, I think, in the Denver Tech Center area. The thing I like about this specific coworking space is all the different businesses and different people that also work here. Like, it's great to walk around the facility and see, like, oh, I could use some help in this department or this industry or like, I don't know anything about this industry and that everyone that works here is really friendly and nice. So if you have like a random question, you can totally stop by someone's office and say like, hey, I had a question about this or that, or like, do you know this person? You know, that type of thing. So it's really easy to talk to people. Everyone's really accessible. It also helps that we have, you know, some events and, you know, whether that be like cocktail hours or beer Thursday or, you know, lunches or any type of mixers or small raise or rooftop event parties. That type of stuff really is helpful in getting to meet everyone that works here.


AMY: [00:13:50] Yeah, I think, you know, the that's the main benefit of having your office in a coworking space is you're automatically part of that bigger community, right? And Enterprise with us having two offices, you know, you can really tap into that. And it's always good to network and you never know. I actually yesterday was talking with one of your coworkers and he was talking to me, you know, I was just what do you have going on? What's happening? And he said he was researching closed caption. Closed captioning. And I said, do you know the one of the other companies that has an office here is Vitech and their closed caption. So he's like, you didn't realize that? So you never know where those connections can happen. And I'm so glad to have you guys as part of our community. And you know, I'm glad you guys are happy and that things are going so well. Let me ask you again about yourself. What? When you're not busy working, what do you like to do for fun? What's, like your favorite thing going on?


LISA: [00:15:09] So I mostly spend a lot of time with my dogs outside of work. I love taking them to just adventures. Right. Like, we'll go to the mountains, we'll go to different dog parks, or we'll just cruise around like Denver. And Colorado in general is just so dog friendly. So it's always great to just, like, have them tag along. I also love going to shows just like you, like shows and concerts throughout Denver. I've been going to shows for really, really long time, you know, like from where I'm from. And every time I'm in a new place, I try and go see a show at a different venue. So that's pretty. Those are my hobbies. Just dogs and concerts.


AMY: [00:15:46] Yeah. Well, it's so cool that you getting to kind of spearhead this this project. It sounds like you're totally in your element. It's something that you're really passionate about. And you know, it obviously comes across with you guys getting the nomination, so yeah, congrats again.


LISA: [00:16:06] thanks.


AMY: [00:16:08] Thanks so much for talking with us. And we'll have to check back in after the Emmys and we'll all be crossing our fingers for you guys.


LISA: [00:16:18] Yeah, yeah. Let's hope. Thank you.


AMY: [00:16:23] Yeah. Thank you. So much. All right. That's been our community spotlight with Lisa Stanley from Dorsey Television. Thanks again for sitting down with me. All right. Thanks, guys. Bye.
