Enterprise Coworking is proud to announce our 2020 partnership with 1 Million Cups Denver!
1 Million Cups Denver is an education program created by Kauffman Labs for Enterprise Creation to bring together and engage entrepreneurs. Kauffman Labs is a program of the Kansas City-based Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation.
1 Million Cups was founded in 2012 and has grown to over 180 communities throughout the US. It’s a free program designed to educate, engage, and inspire entrepreneurs all over the country. The program focuses on helping entrepreneurs either start or grow their businesses and provides tools and resources to help break down those barriers that stand in the way of success.
The program works like this:
Every Wednesday morning at Enterprise Coworking RiNo, entrepreneurs from the community get together and present their business idea to a room full of community members (Not just Enterprise Coworking members, but the wider Denver community). Each entrepreneur gets just 6 minutes to present which is followed by 20 minutes where the audience asks questions, shares similar experiences, and provides feedback and support.
In conclusion to each presentation the community asks the entrepreneur, “What can we as a community do to help you?”, cultivating the intention that 1 Million Cups is for and by the community.
I Want to Attend!
Great! The event is free to attend and open to the public. Drop By Enterprise Coworking RiNo at 3000 Lawrence Street in Denver at 9AM any Wednesday morning of 2020! Register at 1millioncups.com/denver and follow 1MC Denver before attending.
The events are around 1 hour long and feature 1-2 presenters each week.
I Want to Present My Business!
Even better! We suggest you attend an event (or a few) to get a feel for how its run. But when you’re ready, all you need to do is apply through this page.
We are so excited to welcome the Denver community and local entrepreneurs into our space on a weekly basis for such an amazing program. We urge anyone from our community (In RiNo or Greenwood Village) to attend 1 Million Cups. You’ll never know what you’ll learn or who you’ll meet!